I'm pregnant! :) That's right, it's a little girl for me and Matt! :)
Here she is sucking her thumb:

So keep your eye out for some changes once again to the 101 list, but no worries, I'm still keeping the same deadline, so really I'm kind of making it harder on myself! :)
ok, so on to some updates!!!
17. send out 30 b-day cards (15/30) Happy birthday Nana!! :)
76. watch 30 documentaries (12/30) I watched "the business of being born" which was like the food inc. of child birth! lol. Very interesting stuff. Mostly talking about how hospitals make it easier on themselves, rather than the mother when it comes to the birthing process. HIGHLY recommended for anyone who is thinking about natural birth.
77. try 15 new restaurants-(40/15) wow, I'm really into this one! haha! I tried three new places:
-Benelux which is a Belgian fondue restaurant. It was pretty good, but I have to say, it comes no where near this place in NYC called "DIP" I have to go back!!!
-I forget the name!! hahah! It's a Turkish kebab place Manayunk. It was pretty good, although I recommend eating outside, it was sooooooooo hot in there!!
-New Delhi an Indian restaurant in University City that Chelsea and I tried. Unfortunately it was too spicy for me. Even on mild settings. It's no Amar India, that's for sure.
79. see 101 new movies (75/101)
-the wrestler: pretty good movie. It wasn't as depressing as I thought it would be.
-the reader: sick and twisted, and yet, very emotional and very good. Highly recommended!
-inception: OMG! this was amazing. Go out and see it RIGHT NOW!
-couples retreat: a silly comedy. It wasn't as bad as the rating said. It's a typical cute and funny romantic comedy
-sex drive: I watched the director's uncut version which was just odd. lol. It was ok. humorous.
-Julie and Julia: If only I could be as good as she is on keeping up with my blog! VERY cute movie.
-Transformers II: to be honest, I fell asleep. lol. Perhaps this one shouldn't count.
-Shrek the III: same with this one! :-p
-Toy Story III: cute, just like the first two.
84. Take Jin to the dog park 30 times (13/30) One night Matt and I decided to take him to the Manayunk Pretzel Park around 7:45. It was still light out, but unfortunately, all of the dogs had gone home for the night!! So poor Jin had to play pretty much by himself. :-p he had fun though! (and I got eaten alive by mosquitos)