Monday, April 20, 2009

April comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb!

What a BEAUTIFUL weekend! :) Filled with lots of fun with girlfriends, Marissa, Jin, Yoshi and x-quisit!

16. Purchase two new pieces of artwork- (4/2) I actually got FOUR! Pics coming soon. Thanks to little sis for helping me pick out some new "grown up" things to put on my wall! :)

74. Go to a sitdown restaurant alone- Yes, I actually did it! First time EVER in my life! I went to Tria and got a cheese plate and read my new book given to me by my twin, Chelsea.... Eat, Pray, Love. Loving it so far! Anyway, I had a REALLY nice time! I may have to do this more often! :-)

87. Try 15 restaurants I have never tried before (one every other month) (15/15)- wow, that was quick!!!! I finished it! I can't believe it! You can bet this will be one I keep going with!

  • Tria at 18th and Chestnut (love it!!) wine and cheese bar.

  • Flavor in Wayne with Maria- yummy thai

  • Farmicia at 3rd and Market with Kim for a very cute and DELICIOUS brunch!

  • Pizzacato at 2nd and Market with the little sis for some soulful, yummy Italian!

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