Sunday, June 21, 2009

EEEE!!!! NEW and IMPROVED list! :)

So yes......... I have finally published my new and improved list. :) Good times!! Looking forward to keeping the momentum going!

17. Send out 30 birthday cards/anniversary cards (one a month) (6/30)- Happy birthday to the June's! :) (Stacy and Christy!)

18. Visit family 15 times (5/15)- went to Phoenix to see my Aunt Jane and Nana's new home! :) What a great visit!!

24. Scan old photographs and archive- this will be an ongoing project, but I finished all of the photos that I have here in Philadelphia. :) Most of them are uploaded on my facebook, but across some gems like these.....

30. Visit three friends – go to their city (1/3)- Went to visit Liam in Seattle. :) What a wonderful time!! It's been 8 years since we've seen each other so we had quite a bit to catch up on!!! Must not let it be ANOTHER 8 years before we see each other again!

33. Travel to 3 states I’ve never been to before. (2/3)- Traveled to Washington state! What a BEAUTIFUL place! :) And I got to go to the city where my beloved GREY'S ANATOMY takes place so that's always a plus too. :) Here I am pictured drinking my first cup of official SEATTLE starbucks.

46. Donate $200 to three different charities. – Cash or like kind (1/3)- Donated about $400 worth of clothing and home goods. FINALLY got around to taking it to Goodwill. :)

77. Try 15 restaurants I have never tried before (one every other month) (21/15)
  • The Couch Tomato in Manayunk
  • Culinaria in Wilmington
  • Lemongrass (THAI) in University City

All were quite tasty! :)

79. See 101 new movies (18/101)
  • My Best Friend's Girl
  • Fool's Gold

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

20% done!

My my, I have been quite busy working on my 101 list! So busy that it has been hard to even keep up with updating my blog!! But none the less, here we go!!

6. Get a new job- Yes, after nearly four years I am finally leaving Deloitte. I have accepted a job as a senior tax analyst and NCO Group in Horsham. It promises to be a less stressful job situation with less hours and more pay so I'm all about it! :-) Not to mention that I will now to be able to focus on my real estate career!!

27. Skype with the ohhas 15 times (once every other month) (2/15)- we actually got all four in on this one! :-)

41. Do 5 "tourist-y"/cultural things in my city (5/ 5)- went to the Philadelphia Zoo and Six Flags! Yay!!! What great fun! :)

Notice the zebra dress I wore to match the zebras! Sadly, there were no zebras at the zoo that day. sad.

Also, I went on the Kingda ka! LOOK AT THAT DROP!!!! I was so scared!!!!!!!! Have I mentioned that I have an insane fear of heights? (which may have been slightly cured by LOVE of all of the rides I went on!)

42. Travel to 3 states I’ve never been to before. (1/3)- Went to CT with Rosie and Stacy for a little get away! It was beautiful there!

44. Visit a bed and breakfast- same trip with the girls! In the middle of no where where we didn't even have cell phone reception! :)

58. Go to a farmers market three times (3/3)- went twice to the farmer's market at 25th and Spruce by the park! It's the cutest little organic market with the MOST YUMMY of cheeses!! Thanks to Kim for introducing me to it and Chelsea for coming along with me! :)

76. Read 15 books (one every two months) (11/15)- Read the following:

  • 100 Love Sonnets by Pablo Neruda

  • It's called a breakup because it's broken by Greg & Amiira Behrendt
87. Try 15 restaurants I have never tried before (one every other month) (18/15)

  • California Club at KOP

  • Bella Torra on Mainstreet Manayunk

  • Kite and Key in the Art Museum district
89. See 101 new movies (16/101)

Star Trek (the new one!)- loved it!

95. Take Jin to the park 30 times (once a month) (3/30)- Jin Loved it! He took his first dip in the river too! So cute!