Unfortunately, poor little Jin hurt is paw on Saturday night so it put a little cramp in getting as much done as I had hoped since I spent most of the weekend snuggling the poor little guy.... Taking him to the vet tonight so hopefully he will be good as new soon!!
Ok, so on to the update!!
17. Clean out storage room- I started on this. haha! It isn't going to be an over night easy to check off the list type item, but I did start organizing a bit and moving things around so that's good. :) Baby steps!
35. Get two room mates- Got one! And she's awesome!! Roomie number two is set to move in Feb. 1st! :)
52. Save $2 a day- $2,002- I set up an automatic ING savings account to deduct $2/day so now I don't even have to think about it! :-)
63. Learn one new word a week and use it
This week's word:
MEANING:verb intr.: To be united; to work or hold together.
ETYMOLOGY:From Latin cohaerere, from co- (together) + haerere (to stick).
USAGE:"I learned to slip back and forth between my black and white worlds, understanding that each possessed its own language and customs and structures of meaning, convinced that with a bit of translation on my part the two worlds would eventually cohere."Barack Obama; Dreams From My Father; Times Books; 1995.
70. Join a Japanese organization/ 78. Study French enough to have a conversation- I joined a Japanese and a French conversation group in the city, so hopefully that will provide lots of new friends and practicing the language! :-) I also plan to join a more formal group as well, but for now, it's progress. I normally get really scared of joining new groups alone, so it's a big step for me!!
82. Set up a live journal/blog about my 101 and update once a week- haha, done!
84. List one thing I am grateful for, every day-
- My joints not hurting as much anymore. I can actually move around pretty freely and pick up things and carry them! I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it’s a world of difference for me!
- Girls nights- it’s nice to know that there are good friends close by to comfort you during the bad times and enjoy the good times with.
- Having time to spend with my puppy- It’s so terrible that Jin hurt his paw, but I’m glad that if had to do it, he did it on the weekend. At least this way I can snuggle with him and make sure he doesn’t feel alone. No one (including animals!) should feel alone ever, but especially when they don’t’ feel well.
- My super awesome roommate. She is such a great friend already!! So wonderful to have someone around who I have so much in common with!! It’s just nice to be able to get a hug when you need it.
87. Try 15 restaurants I have never tried before (one every other month)- (3/15) This is much easier than I thought to accomplish in a city like Philadelphia!! :) I have tried THREE already!
- Chabba- Great Thai in Manayunk ! I got the fresh spring rolls and the garden pad Thai. Yumm......
- Cactus- Mexican in Manayunk (although I went for yummy chocolate chip pancakes)
- Day by Day at 21st and Sansom. I got the quiche of the day!
100. Go to a non-starbucks/non chain coffee shop or restaurant each week alone for at least 1hour to work on 101 list- That's what I'm doing right now! :)
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