Sunday, January 25, 2009

One week down! :)

So Friday was my official one week mark! I am still feeling pretty good!! Getting some stuff done!!

36. Join 1 social group and attend at least one meeting- I have joined quite a few!! (Japanese conversation group, french conversation group, shiba inu group, dining out group, volunteer group, girls night out group) And I actually attended the Japanese conversation group!! :) I had so much fun and met some really great people. Can't wait until next week!

51. Get the Sunday paper and cut out coupons once a week- ordered! Should be here starting this Sunday!! :) Time to get clipping!

63. Learn one new word a week and use it-
MEANING:adjective:1. Natural to a particular people or place; always present in a particular area.2. Confined to a geographic region.
ETYMOLOGY:From Greek endemos (native), from en- (in) + demos (people).
USAGE:"Some of the worst actors on the international stage can also take advantage of the collective exhaustion and outrage that people feel with official corruption, as we've seen with Islamic extremists who promise purification, but deliver totalitarianism. Endemic corruption opens the door to this kind of movement, and in its wake comes a new set of distortions and betrayals of public trust

70. Join a Japanese organization- Joined the Japanese conversation group and I will be filling out the application for the Japanese American Philadelphia organization. :) YAY!

76. Read 15 books (one every two months) (3/15)- I've been busy!!



77. Read novels by three new authors (1/3)-
My SISTER'S KEEPER is by Jodi Picoult, a new author for me! Thanks Lisa for the suggestion!

84. List one thing I am grateful for, every day

  • My sister- She is the best friend any girl could have! :)
  • My mom- ditto
  • My dad- ditto
  • Having a safe home to come home to
  • A soon to be ex husband that is still great to me
  • My babies (yoshi, x-quitsite and Jin) all being healthy

90. Buy myself a piece of jewelry- I bought myself a new Movado watch! :)

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