Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A very productive week!!

Wow!!! What a productive week it was!!! :)

10. Replace chandelier in dining room- much improved. (left is before, right is after)

15. Redo the half bathroom- This is still under process, but should be done in the next two weeks! Check out the new slate tile rather than the old ugly lanolium!!

20. Hang new tv in the living room- brand new 37" TV in the living room!!

35. Get two room mates (2/2)- Welcome to June and Angel!

86. Buy a burberry trench coat- I am not allowed to wear it until my #92 is final, but I couldn't resist!! :) EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

87. Try 15 restaurants I have never tried before (one every other month) (4/15)- Maria, Katrina and I went to the Manayunk Diner after our girls night at the Public House! :-) Yes, it counts since I've never been before!!

92. Sign divorce papers- almost there!!! Just waiting on Kyle to talk to the lawyer and get the rest of them to me. But so far, everything I have seen has been signed!!!

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