Monday, August 17, 2009

18. Visit family 15 times (7/15)

went to visit my seeeeeeeeeeester in NYC! :) It was really hot that night! We had so much fun doing our usual seester things...... like facebook stalk, eat pizza and lay around in our PJs. :-p

28. Go out for a girl’s night once a month (4/24)- bachelorette party for Chelsea in NYC and then night out after Chelsea's wedding with the girls! :)

77. Try 15 restaurants I have never tried before (one every other month) (26/15)

Tried Tinto and From the boot! :) Tinto was most delicious! (Tapas!) From the boot is Italian that has been recommended to us for a long time, and I have to say it was a little disappointing.... boo! Good, but not as amazing as all made it out to be!

79. See 101 new movies (21/101)
  • The Ugly Truth- hahahaha! so fun!

  • 500 days of summer- so good!! <3

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