18. Visit family 15 times (6/15)- Family came to visit this past weekend. Mom, Dad, Marissa and even my Aunt Mariko from Tokyo! We went to the beach where we met my friends and we also did dim sum in Chinatown! Sooooooooooo yummy!!!
28. Go out for a girl’s night once a month (2/24) - out with Maria and Emily! We went to Public house, Lowies and Vango. It's pretty dead in the city these days though.... people going to the shore! But of course with it being US, we had a great time. :)
32. Do 5 "tourist-y"/cultural things in my city (6/5)- as mentioned before...... went to Dim Sum! yum, yum!! :) tee hee hee!

67. Lose 10 lbs (8/10)- FINALLY lost another lb! Thanks to the Sei Tai diet, I'll be there in no time! I'm hard core like that. :-p
77. Try 15 restaurants I have never tried before (one every other month) (24/15)
- Alma de cuba- Sooooooo yummy! And such a cool restaurant! I got really yummy scallops
- Imperial Inn for Dim Sum!
- The Crab house at the shore
79. See 101 new movies (19/101)
- Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince- apparently according to my HP source, it would have been better had I have read the book. :-p
89. Take a hot bath 30 times (once a month) (3/30)
91. See an acupuncturist- Just went in for session #3! Seems to be working with the pain, but still needs to help with the swelling. This week I had over 25 needles in! eeks!!

Reina, the acupuncturist picture is super freaky.