Thursday, July 2, 2009

Already July?!

Jeez! This year is FLYING by!!

1. Obtain my real estate license- although I haven't obtained it yet, I signed up for the course! :) so I start July 7th YAY!

17. Send out 30 birthday cards/anniversary cards (one a month) (7/30)-Happy birthday Nana! :)

28. Go out for a girl’s night once a month (1/24)- Went out to Public house with Emily, Vanessa and Kristin! Good times!!! :)

49. Go to a farmers market three times (4/3)- Went to a Farmer's market in DE with Miss Jenn where we bought cheese balls, candy and lots of cherries to sneak into the movie! tee hee hee!

50. Support local artists/musicians three times (1/3)- Went to the Manayunk Arts festival with Maria :) (where we bought Jin a very edgy camo traveling water bowl!)

77. Try 15 restaurants I have never tried before (one every other month) (23/15)- Went to the Grog in Bryn Mawr (and got potato skins! lol) and Jake's in Manayunk (where i got the most delicious artichoke mac and cheese)!! AND it was Jin's first restaurant visist. He did very well. :)

79. See 101 new movies (19/101)- saw my sister's keeper! So sad........... and for the record, the book is a million times better.

89. Take a hot bath 30 times (once a month) (2/30)- mmmmm..... relaxation!

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