Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January is Flying by!!

15. Skype with the oh-has 15 times (4/15)- yay! and we actually got all four on there!! :) Here are my girls when we went to LA in 2003!

17. send out 30 birthday cards (12/30) happy birthday to all of the January and February Peeps! :)

18. Visit Family 15 times (11/15)- had a great family visit in Atlantic City for the Action Martial arts magazine expo! :) Dad was one of the featured celebs and I was helping him run his booth! The boys came too, so it was quite a big gathering of Hayes fun! :) Met lots of celebs too! good times!!

With the fam.....

With James Lew

With Michael Jai White. He was in Batman!

With Chuck Zito and Dan Severn. I look so tiny!!

76. Watch 30 documentaries (4/30): watched in the womb- animals. OMG! this was fascinating!!

79. See 101 new movies (49/101)
Saw Avatar in 3D! Wow, what an amazing movie! I couldn't move at the end of the movie because I was so impressed!!

80. Try 30 new Recipes (12/30)
- chicken noodle soup- a new recipe that was quite yummy

- Cheesy salsa chicken- surprisingly very good!

-Italian Spinach pie. I veggie lover's dream! It's like a quiche, but without the fatty crust! yum!!

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