Monday, March 1, 2010

March already? EEKS!

wow, how time has flown!

well, I'm keeping up with the 101, even though I've been pretty bad about noting it my blog!!

14. write 30 hand written letters/post cards (5/30) I sent four girls a special valentines day card and dark chocolate :) Love you girls!!

15. Skype with the oh-has 15 times (7/15) Thanks to a scheduled weekly skype session, this has been a lot easier to do! I love being able to keep up with the girls on a weekly basis :)

29. Travel to a new continent! - this one is in the works......... less than 7 more weeks and I'll be in BRAZIL!!!!! AND ARGENTINA!!!!!! :-D wooo hoo!!!!!! Can't wait!!

71. Read 15 books (12/15)- I recently finished "Healthy lifestyle" by Patricia Bragg. I'm obsessed!!! Back to being a veggie now and now even on the verge of VEGAN! That's right, I cut out my FAVORITE food in the whole wide world..... cheese. But........ the good news is....... I'm feeling much better already!! :)

76. Watch 30 documentaries (10/30) I just got the Planet Earth series on blu ray. WOW, it is BEAUTIFUL! I can't get enough!! :)

77. Try 15 new restaurants- went to Fogo De Choa. lol. Not a whole lot for me to eat, but it was fun company regardless :)

79. see 101 new movies- (52/101)
- The mist
-Step Brothers
-Get Smart

80. Try 30 new recipes (17/30)
- Chicken Parmesan
-baby bok choy salad
-whole wheat pita bread
-"cheesy" Kale chips--- just bought an Excalibur dehydrator!! soooooooooo excited!!

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