At the age of 25, my life and health were all falling apart. As a way to jumpstart my life in the direction I wanted it to go, a friend of mine suggested this challenge. 101 goals to be completed in 1001 days. It's like a supercharged bucket list! I may not be able to do it all, but I'm sure going to try! :) Thank you for joining me on my journey!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
new list still coming soon!!
17. send out birthday cards once a month (18/30) Happy birthday to my sept. peeps!! Marissa, Dad and Chelsea! :)
25. scrapbook a page a month- (6/30) I've been busy! I figure with the little one on the way, I might as well take advantage of any "down time" I have and catch up! Otherwise, who knows when I'll have time to keep track of all of these good memories? :)
28. Go out for a girls night once a month (9/30)- went out to dinner and to see "eat, pray, love" with Maria and Emily. I must say the book was much better. I feel like the book had so much internal stuff going on that a movie just doesn't do it much justice. What was so beautiful about the book was not the indivisual EVENTS as much as it was the realizations she comes to in her journey to heal and become more what she was meant to be. That's hard to show in a movie. But either way, good night out with the girls. :)
46. donate to three charities- (3/3) I took a huge load of things to the Junior League. Gotta make room for the little one who will be here in about 10 weeks!!! crazy! so much to do!!!
76. watch 30 documentaries (13/30) I watched the "dolphin defender" a documentary about saving dolphins around the world. :) A tribute to my old 5th grade self!
77. try 15 new restaurants (41/15) we went out to a new Peruvian/Chinese fusion restaurant called Chima. It was sooooooooooooooooo good!!!! Highly recommended! Lots of veggie and non veggie options. All parties were satisfied. :)
79. see 101 new movies (89/101)
Lots of movies!!! too many to go through....
-eat pray love
-valentines day
-it's complicated
-time traveler's wife
-love happens
-funny people
-did you hear about the morgans
-men who stare at goats
-zombie land
-evil dead
-the dead zone
-did you hear about the morgans
80. try 30 new recepies (31/30)
-cheesy bacon chicken- obviously for Matthew, not me. :-p
-BBQ chicken fold over/ BBQ Tofu fold over. --- wow, this was AMAZING. For the Tofu one, I took grilled zucchini, red onions, corn, red pepper, tofu and BBQ sauce and then made a thin bread casing for the whole thing. YUMMMMMM!
84. Take Jin to the dog park 30 times (18/30)- we've been busy!! Poor little guy though....... every time we take him to the park, there are no dogs there! or they leave pretty much right after we get there. Do we smell? :-p we are going to take him to the dog park in center city today and see if we have more luck.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Changes are coming again!!!
I'm pregnant! :) That's right, it's a little girl for me and Matt! :)
Here she is sucking her thumb:

So keep your eye out for some changes once again to the 101 list, but no worries, I'm still keeping the same deadline, so really I'm kind of making it harder on myself! :)
ok, so on to some updates!!!
17. send out 30 b-day cards (15/30) Happy birthday Nana!! :)
76. watch 30 documentaries (12/30) I watched "the business of being born" which was like the food inc. of child birth! lol. Very interesting stuff. Mostly talking about how hospitals make it easier on themselves, rather than the mother when it comes to the birthing process. HIGHLY recommended for anyone who is thinking about natural birth.
77. try 15 new restaurants-(40/15) wow, I'm really into this one! haha! I tried three new places:
-Benelux which is a Belgian fondue restaurant. It was pretty good, but I have to say, it comes no where near this place in NYC called "DIP" I have to go back!!!
-I forget the name!! hahah! It's a Turkish kebab place Manayunk. It was pretty good, although I recommend eating outside, it was sooooooooo hot in there!!
-New Delhi an Indian restaurant in University City that Chelsea and I tried. Unfortunately it was too spicy for me. Even on mild settings. It's no Amar India, that's for sure.
79. see 101 new movies (75/101)
-the wrestler: pretty good movie. It wasn't as depressing as I thought it would be.
-the reader: sick and twisted, and yet, very emotional and very good. Highly recommended!
-inception: OMG! this was amazing. Go out and see it RIGHT NOW!
-couples retreat: a silly comedy. It wasn't as bad as the rating said. It's a typical cute and funny romantic comedy
-sex drive: I watched the director's uncut version which was just odd. lol. It was ok. humorous.
-Julie and Julia: If only I could be as good as she is on keeping up with my blog! VERY cute movie.
-Transformers II: to be honest, I fell asleep. lol. Perhaps this one shouldn't count.
-Shrek the III: same with this one! :-p
-Toy Story III: cute, just like the first two.
84. Take Jin to the dog park 30 times (13/30) One night Matt and I decided to take him to the Manayunk Pretzel Park around 7:45. It was still light out, but unfortunately, all of the dogs had gone home for the night!! So poor Jin had to play pretty much by himself. :-p he had fun though! (and I got eaten alive by mosquitos)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Lots of family time! :)
18. visit family 15 times (15/15)
wow, we've gotten spoiled on this one!! I have seen my parents essentially every week in a new city for three weeks straight!! :)
First they came to Philly for my wedding reception :) more photos to come once I get the CD from the photographer.
Finally, this past weekend, we went to Dewey Beach, DE for my cousin Elyse's wedding!! Here I am with my Nana! :)
So much fun!!! I am so spoiled now!!! now it's time to go back to just the two of us in Philly.
28. Go out for girls night once a month (8/24)- went with the DE girls to dinner and then to see Sex and the City 2.
79. see 101 new movies (66/101)
- sex and the city 2: meh, it was ok. Not necessary to be 3 hours long!!
80. Try 30 new recipes (29/30)
-butternut squash soup: yummmmmmmmmmmm
-butternut squash quesadillas: from my friend Kim's friend's website it's a great website for delicious veggie recipes. SO GOOD!!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Yikes!! where does the time go???!
not to worry though, I have been keeping up with the 101 list!! :-D Just not very good about writing it down.....
Perhaps the MOST exciting one to update:
29. Travel to a new continent- I went to South America!! :) Where I went to Rio in Brazil, Iguazzu Falls in both Brazil and Argentina and then to Buenos Aires in Argentina for about 10 days. Also exciting news about this trip...... I eloped at the falls!! :)>
46. Donate $200 to three different charities- (2/3) I donated to the Tibetan Relief Fund that my father's non-profit was putting together to give to the Dalai Lama when my father was the MC for his event in May. :) A cause that has always been one near and dear to the Hayes heart. :)
79. See 101 new movies: (65/101)
-Iron Man 2
-Just one of the guys
-The machinist
-The Shawshank Redemption
Thanks to the long flight from Brazil for these:
-Up in the Air
-The Blind Side
-The Invention of Lying
84. Take Jin to the dog park once a month (12/30)- now that the weather is getting better, we are going a lot!! :) He went to the last Shiba Inu meetup and it was sooooooooo packed! There had to have been at least 30 Shiba there, of which, 20 were reds like him! It was really hard to figure out which one he was when they were all running around like mad playing together. :) so cute!!!!!
100. Buy myself flowers once a month (7/30)- Although Matthew spoils me quite a bit, I do manage to go out and buy some flowers for myself from time to time :)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Spring is on it's way!! :)
15. Skype with the ohhas 15 times (once every other month) (9/15) This is working out really well doing once a week! :)
18. Visit family 15 times (12/15)- went to Newark, NJ for a seminar on ethical leadership that my father put on. It was great to see him and my sister, along with some old friends! :) (and meeting new ones!!)--- plus they got to try all of my new raw snacks! ---see below!

76. Watch 30 Documentaires (11/30)
- Food, Inc.- this was absolutely life changing!!! soooooooooo good! I highly recommend it to EVERYONE! it's not a gory PETA type movie. I avoided it for a long time because I thought that that was what it would be. SO good!!! you must see it!! Find out where your food is REALLY coming from!
79. See 101 new movies (54/101)
-Shutter Island: AMAZING! I was scared because I thought it was a horror film, but it was really good!!
-Ghost Busters: A classic that my friends can no longer give me a hard time for not having seen yet :-p
-Curious Case of Benjamin Button: to quote a video on you tube "if you are going to see one version of Forrest Gump this year, see Benjamin Button" that about summs it up :-p
80. Try 30 new recipies (27/30)- so I got my excalibur dehydrator and I've gone a little nuts with the raw foods snacks!! So good for you and so yummy!! :)
-Naked kale chips
-kale crackers
-spicy flax seed crackers
-cheesy flax seed crackers
-sunflower cranbery breakfast bars
-apple cookies
-choco Oatmeal cookies
-sour cream and onion flax seed crackers
-flax seed crackers
- Rosemary/Garlic flax seed crackers
84. Take Jin to the dog park once a month (9/30)
took him once to the park in center city, and once to the Fairmont Park. It has been so beautiful lately that it's a sin not take him out and enjoy the sunshine! Too bad he got off leash at the Fairmont Park. Yikes!!! He had me chasing him all through the woods getting smacked in the face with branches, covered in mud, etc. But luckily, I got the little guy back. Silly Jin..... Here he is after he got a bath since he was so muddy. So handsome with his little bandana! :)

100. Buy myself flowers 30 times (5/30)- Bought myself some lovely Roses at the local famer's market today. BUY LOCAL! :)
Monday, March 1, 2010
March already? EEKS!
well, I'm keeping up with the 101, even though I've been pretty bad about noting it my blog!!
14. write 30 hand written letters/post cards (5/30) I sent four girls a special valentines day card and dark chocolate :) Love you girls!!
15. Skype with the oh-has 15 times (7/15) Thanks to a scheduled weekly skype session, this has been a lot easier to do! I love being able to keep up with the girls on a weekly basis :)
29. Travel to a new continent! - this one is in the works......... less than 7 more weeks and I'll be in BRAZIL!!!!! AND ARGENTINA!!!!!! :-D wooo hoo!!!!!! Can't wait!!
71. Read 15 books (12/15)- I recently finished "Healthy lifestyle" by Patricia Bragg. I'm obsessed!!! Back to being a veggie now and now even on the verge of VEGAN! That's right, I cut out my FAVORITE food in the whole wide world..... cheese. But........ the good news is....... I'm feeling much better already!! :)
76. Watch 30 documentaries (10/30) I just got the Planet Earth series on blu ray. WOW, it is BEAUTIFUL! I can't get enough!! :)
77. Try 15 new restaurants- went to Fogo De Choa. lol. Not a whole lot for me to eat, but it was fun company regardless :)
79. see 101 new movies- (52/101)
- The mist
-Step Brothers
-Get Smart
80. Try 30 new recipes (17/30)
- Chicken Parmesan
-baby bok choy salad
-whole wheat pita bread
-"cheesy" Kale chips--- just bought an Excalibur dehydrator!! soooooooooo excited!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
January is Flying by!!
17. send out 30 birthday cards (12/30) happy birthday to all of the January and February Peeps! :)
18. Visit Family 15 times (11/15)- had a great family visit in Atlantic City for the Action Martial arts magazine expo! :) Dad was one of the featured celebs and I was helping him run his booth! The boys came too, so it was quite a big gathering of Hayes fun! :) Met lots of celebs too! good times!!
With the fam.....
With James Lew
With Michael Jai White. He was in Batman!
With Chuck Zito and Dan Severn. I look so tiny!!
76. Watch 30 documentaries (4/30): watched in the womb- animals. OMG! this was fascinating!!
79. See 101 new movies (49/101)
Saw Avatar in 3D! Wow, what an amazing movie! I couldn't move at the end of the movie because I was so impressed!!
80. Try 30 new Recipes (12/30)
- chicken noodle soup- a new recipe that was quite yummy
- Cheesy salsa chicken- surprisingly very good!
-Italian Spinach pie. I veggie lover's dream! It's like a quiche, but without the fatty crust! yum!!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Wishing everyone the very best this new year! :)
23. Knit a scarf and send it to a friend- (still in the works! It's gonna take some serious time to complete!) I'm currently knitting a scarf for my BFP, Joe! :) He already claimed it when the list came out. Sorry folks! :)
28. Go out for a girls night once a month (7/24)- spent time with Rosie and Stacy at the bar at Thai 9 in the Oregon district in Dayton, OH. Lots of long needed chatting and fun! :)
43. Save $2 a day ($686/$2,020) -as of December 31, 2009.
44. save $20 per item completed- ($580/$2,020)
77. Try 15 new Restaurants (36/15)
-Brio at the Greene in Dayton with the fam, the Birdi Family and "momma Myers" :)
79. See 101 new movies (48/101)
- UP- soooooooooooooo cute!!!! Highly recommended!
-The Road- the 2nd most depressing movie I've ever seen. The 1st being "grave of the fireflies" My mom was so drained by it that we had to go to Cheesecake factory in order to get a little more happiness in our lives! haha.
-Sherlock Holmes- very entertaining movie!
-The Blair Witch Project- pretty freaky! I can't say that I'm going camping anytime soon! haha. I guess # 36 will have to wait a little while!
-Paranormal Activity- I know, I can't believe I saw it either! but in actuality it wasn't that scary!
88. Practice Sei Tai (1/125)- Practiced with mom and dad on my last day in Dayton. :) Now I just gotta do it on my own!