-Bruno: VERY crude... I enjoyed Borat much more!!
-Slumdog millionaire: sooooooooooooooooo good!

At the age of 25, my life and health were all falling apart. As a way to jumpstart my life in the direction I wanted it to go, a friend of mine suggested this challenge. 101 goals to be completed in 1001 days. It's like a supercharged bucket list! I may not be able to do it all, but I'm sure going to try! :) Thank you for joining me on my journey!
So I haven't been so good about keeping this updated!! oops! Hopefully now that busy season is over (and I have time for a life!) I can get back on track! I'm sure I've missed a few, but at least I'll get some of them down and counted. :)
18. Visit family 15 times (8/15)- went to NYC because my parents were there to visit with the Dalai Lama. So got to see them and my sister and Kanu (my sister's BF) so it was nice, but quick visit! :)
76. Watch 30 documentaries (one a month) (2/30)- watched Fahrenheit 911. Eh. It had some interesting points, but it was so incredibly skewed one way that it was hard to take seriously.
77. Try 15 restaurants I have never tried before (one every other month) (33/15)
-Presto (Italian on ridge): DELICIOUS gnocchi!!!!
-Grahm's pub: could be the best chicken quesidilla I have ever had outside of my own kitchen! lol.
-Helium Comedy club: actually really good cheese pizza!!! :)
79. See 101 new movies (34/101)
-Garden state: quirky and fun :)
-say anything: definitely an 80's movie! :-p cute and fun.
-the good girl: Interesting....... very dark and twisted, but a pretty good movie.
-boondock saints: a movie I was told would be too scary for me so I avoided it. Um.... not so much! I thought it was really good!!!!
-where the wild things are: hmmm.... loved the book as a kid, read the book yesterday and couldn't understand why. :-p but either way, it was a disappointing movie unfortunately.
-spaceballs: It was time. lol. Definitely a funny movie and it's nice to finally know where all of the lines come from that I seem to hear all of the time.
-Over her dead body: Hands down, in the top five worst movies I have ever seen! hahaha. This movie is TERRIBLE.
-charlie Wilson's war: very good movie! I love movies based on real people. I feel like I learned a new perspective. :)
80. Try 30 new recipes (once a month) (6/30)- made a salmon with garlic and brown sugar. Sounds so gross, I know, but it was AMAZING!!!!!!!
82. Go to a comedy club- saw Billy Gardel at Helium Comedy Club. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! Must go back again!!
84. Take Jin to the dog park 30 times (once a month) (5/30): tried out the Pretzel park in Manayunk. Jin-jin had a great time!!! :)
86. Change my name back to HAYES: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Officially and LEGALLY back to HAYES!!!!!!18. Visit family 15 times (8/15)
79. See 101 new movies (26/101)
49. Go to a farmers market three times (4/3)- went to the Reading Terminal Market with Matthew! I bought bok choy, cheeses and tried a fresh pretzel. :) Yum, yum! I finally made a bok choy dish that was good too!! (see #80)
50. Support local artists/musicians three times (2/3)- this one is a few weeks overdue, but I forgot to mention....... I went to the piano bar to listen to some local people play. It was a neat place with great atmosphere.
77. Try 15 restaurants I have never tried before (one every other month) (28/15)went to visit my seeeeeeeeeeester in NYC! :) It was really hot that night! We had so much fun doing our usual seester things...... like facebook stalk, eat pizza and lay around in our PJs. :-p
Tried Tinto and From the boot! :) Tinto was most delicious! (Tapas!) From the boot is Italian that has been recommended to us for a long time, and I have to say it was a little disappointing.... boo! Good, but not as amazing as all made it out to be!
18. Visit family 15 times (6/15)- Family came to visit this past weekend. Mom, Dad, Marissa and even my Aunt Mariko from Tokyo! We went to the beach where we met my friends and we also did dim sum in Chinatown! Sooooooooooo yummy!!!
28. Go out for a girl’s night once a month (2/24) - out with Maria and Emily! We went to Public house, Lowies and Vango. It's pretty dead in the city these days though.... people going to the shore! But of course with it being US, we had a great time. :)
32. Do 5 "tourist-y"/cultural things in my city (6/5)- as mentioned before...... went to Dim Sum! yum, yum!! :) tee hee hee!
79. See 101 new movies (19/101)
89. Take a hot bath 30 times (once a month) (3/30)
91. See an acupuncturist- Just went in for session #3! Seems to be working with the pain, but still needs to help with the swelling. This week I had over 25 needles in! eeks!!
And thanks to Demi for a new list of Japanese artists! :) I'm a little behind on what's new, so I'm so excited to have some new fun songs to listen to! :)
79. See 101 new movies (21/101): Thanks to Joe for a fun weekend! :)
91. See an acupuncturist- Youch! Going back once a week for six weeks. Fingers crossed that it will work well enough to go off my meds :)
49. Go to a farmers market three times (4/3)- Went to a Farmer's market in DE with Miss Jenn where we bought cheese balls, candy and lots of cherries to sneak into the movie! tee hee hee!
50. Support local artists/musicians three times (1/3)- Went to the Manayunk Arts festival with Maria :) (where we bought Jin a very edgy camo traveling water bowl!)
77. Try 15 restaurants I have never tried before (one every other month) (23/15)- Went to the Grog in Bryn Mawr (and got potato skins! lol) and Jake's in Manayunk (where i got the most delicious artichoke mac and cheese)!! AND it was Jin's first restaurant visist. He did very well. :)
79. See 101 new movies (19/101)- saw my sister's keeper! So sad........... and for the record, the book is a million times better.
89. Take a hot bath 30 times (once a month) (2/30)- mmmmm..... relaxation!
So yes......... I have finally published my new and improved list. :) Good times!! Looking forward to keeping the momentum going!
17. Send out 30 birthday cards/anniversary cards (one a month) (6/30)- Happy birthday to the June's! :) (Stacy and Christy!)
18. Visit family 15 times (5/15)- went to Phoenix to see my Aunt Jane and Nana's new home! :) What a great visit!!
All were quite tasty! :)
95. Take Jin to the park 30 times (once a month) (3/30)- Jin Loved it! He took his first dip in the river too! So cute!
97. Buy myself flowers 30 times (once a month) (2/30)- :-D
16. Purchase two new pieces of artwork- (4/2) I actually got FOUR! Pics coming soon. Thanks to little sis for helping me pick out some new "grown up" things to put on my wall! :)
74. Go to a sitdown restaurant alone- Yes, I actually did it! First time EVER in my life! I went to Tria and got a cheese plate and read my new book given to me by my twin, Chelsea.... Eat, Pray, Love. Loving it so far! Anyway, I had a REALLY nice time! I may have to do this more often! :-)
29. Send out 30 birthday cards/anniversary cards (one a month) (4/30)- Happy birthday Katie!!
41. Do 5 "tourist-y" things in my city (2/5)- Ate a .........cheesesteak! (well, a BITE of one....) At Pats.